Public schools were closed Monday and Tuesday. Cape Cod Community College closed on Monday but is scheduled to open on Tuesday at 3:30 PM for late afternoon and evening classes. It is probably a good assumption the majority of kids will be back in school on Wednesday.
For those who lost power, or are still without, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's "What You Need to Know When the Power Goes Out Unexpectedly" offers food safety guidelines. Some items may be safe to eat, but be sure to throw away any spoiled or questionable food. Check your insurance policy before trashing large freezers full of meat. Continue to stay away from any downed wires; see NSTAR for electrical safety measures and other helpful hints. Don't be left in the dark, report power outages or downed wires by calling NSTAR at 800-592-2000.
Once again, it is time to enlist the whole family. This time for clean-up. In the event of serious damage, locate your home-owners policy and call your insurance agent to arrange necessary inspections before attempting clean-up.

Barnstable residents, with a dump sticker or proof of residency, may bring hurricane debris to the Transfer Station through Saturday Nov 10 , 2012 (closed on 11/11/2012 for Veterans day). Logs need to be cut in 4 foot lengths or less. Commercial debris will not be accepted at the facility.

Still without power, but have no yard to clean up or pet to walk? Several businesses offer free Wi-Fi, along with outlets to plug-in and charge laptops. Visit Lambert's Farm Market Grocery and Deli in Sandwich for a comfy place to sit, surf the net and enjoy "the best" oatmeal raisin cookies and perhaps some more ice cream.
Donate to American Red Cross Disaster Relief to help those in NY & NJ.
See previous blog Preparing for Hurricane Sandy.
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